Tag Archives: Training

May – Move to trailer and start house build

Supervise house build. Mtn bike up to ski hill 3 x, hike top ski hill, hike 3 trails around RV resort, golf. House – Lot, Plans, survey, Owner Builder exam, Authorization, engineer review, energy step code, Permits, re-Survey, engineer structure … Continue reading

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April May Exercise – hockey, dog walk, fish creek, workouts, ski, hike

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Ha Ling Hike April 15, 2023

Sunny warm day with Rod. Packed snow so microspikes all the way up and down. Lots of people and dogs. Windy up top. 8 km and 763 m.

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March, April -Exercise – Hockey, dog walk, Ski Nakiska, Lake Louise, workout

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Stretching and Diet (D3/K2) for cold hands, trigger finger, carpal tunnel and Raynaud’s

Getting old can suck. Developed some Trigger finger in my ring and little fingers and some lumps in the palm. Cold hands. Physio and diet to the rescue. Over the last 2 years, I have reversed the trigger finger and … Continue reading

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SSV – downhill Feb 17, 2020

Solid day with Wietse. Legs felt good. Mostly sunny day but a little cool. Forecast was overcast and flurries. Lots of runs.  22 or so.

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SSV skiout and Wawa Feb 11, 2020

Training run with the Nunataq’s Light snow but sunny for run down. 740 m and 12.4 km. 2.5 hrs up to top of Wawa. Steady pace (~300 m/hr) Felt good. Strong ski down. Top to park lot in 30 min. … Continue reading

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SSV Downhill ski Jan 30, 2020

Down hill day at sunshine on freshly waxed and tuned skis. Good snow although some blacks were icy but fresh edges were the ticket.  

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Nakiska Jan 7, 2020

Downhill day 45 km so 22 km of ski 6000 m 12 runs 4 hours Ankle feels good. Pleased with outcome of operation. Minimal swelling. Twice a week of hockey. Scoring more goals. Gradually getting over head cold. (three weeks) … Continue reading

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Battalion Park Stairs, Signal Hill, SW, Calgary, Nov 24, 2019

Training with Toffee. Sorta sunny.  3 to 6 C and windy. Toque and gloves, light blue running jacket, track pants. Note will need long sleeve, buff or heavier toque/gloves if colder or windier. Did 5.5 laps or about 250 m. … Continue reading

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