June – build house, golf, kayak, fish, bike

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May – Move to trailer and start house build

Supervise house build. Mtn bike up to ski hill 3 x, hike top ski hill, hike 3 trails around RV resort, golf.

House – Lot, Plans, survey, Owner Builder exam, Authorization, engineer review, energy step code, Permits, re-Survey, engineer structure review – floor system, roof system/trusses, eng beams, tall wall, snow/wind load, rebar – footings + foundation rebar in ICF walls, sono tube for deck and garage slab.

May – Log trees, clear debris, organics, Excavation, elevations, house and garage, forms for footing, rebar inspect, pour footings.

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April – House Survey, Trades, Services, Trailer, Hockey, etc.

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March -Move to duplex from apt, move storage, move daughter, Hockey, Ski, Fairmont House build permits, Trailer, RV lot, Line up Services and trades

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Diana Lake Feb 23-27 Backcountry Ski

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Jan/Feb Hockey, ski, dog walk

Car issues, prepare to move, storage problems, teeth issues, etc

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Oct/Nov/Dec 2023 Hockey, Ski, dog walk

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Devil’s Head Crux – Climb Scramble, Ghost Area, Don Getty Wilderness

Devil’s Head Crux Chockstone – use groove to left to climb above chockstone and then traverse right on better footholds into main gulley. Climber is Keith Bott. Pic by Sonny Bou- thanks.
Devil’s Head crux – climber(Tyler Murray?) starting up groove to left of chockstone. 2020. This shows that the start is steep. Pic off internet. Thanks.

Devil’s Head Crux from above. Shows how groove lays back. Pic off internet. Thanks.
Devil’s Head crux area. Another angle. Doug’s pic. Thanks.
Devil’s Head Rapelling crux

More pics

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Exercise-rehab Sept 2023 hockey 2x week, workout , stretch, physio exercises for shoulder, walk dog, etc

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Baldy N, E and W Sept 2, 2023

Rod on downclimb on way up West Ridge on Baldy North
Going directly up NE ridge on Baldy West. Slabby section and rising friction traverse above my head.


Scramble of all 3 peaks of Baldy North, East and West on a sunny day in September. Have not done all 3 for a while and first time for Rod. There are new rappel bolts/chains on down climb on South side of North peak but we just worked our way down zig zagging on ledges and grooves. Not much sign of traffic.

Easy over to East peak and then steep scrappy trail down to col with west peak. Went straight up ridge on West peak and then up the slabby section. The rising friction traverse along the wall was good except for the one off balance lean out move. Easier on way down.

Went down the scree gully from the low point in the East/West col and found a good trail (better than remembered) all the way down the bowl and out to the truck.

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