Abbot Pass Hut Trail – 900m from O’Hara, 660m from Oesa, steep scree, take a helmet – taken from Yukness

Abbot Pass – up trail has markings, either side of first buttress, then stay left of next 2 buttresses then follow trail across right to LH side of central gully. Central gully is loose scree and is used for descent. People visible on trail are at bottom of central gully – down trail. Taken from Yukness. click on pic to enlarge.
Lake O’Hara is hard to get into as the buses are always booked and supposedly you can’t even do wait list walk ons. A friend had a cancellation so I was able to squeeze in on a two day trip. Shout out to Matthew Hobbs and Vern for route pics and their trip reports on Wiwaxy East Peak.
Yukness and Wiwaxy East Pics and comments
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