Quartzite Peak ski May 6, 2012

Spring skiing – Dave S had skied Ramp Peak the previous weekend and wanted to do Quartzite on Sunday because of the forecast freeze on Sat night.  Up early, meet Anders et al at Mosquito parking and skiing by just after 6 am.  The freeze was good and travel was fast and easy on very solid crust as we barely left a mark on the snow.  In to campground area (4km)and then up treed slope angling left and over two shoulder ridges to above tree line.  Angled right to cross the avi slope on right above the sharp drainage gully – about 50 – 100m of sidehilling which would be a concern if bad avi conditions.  Stayed high to right and around to base of Quarzite. Good conditions although a couple of inches of new snow on the crust made skinning harder. Ski crampons were useful as I went to about 70 m from top – most bootpacked last 150 m. – on top by11 am – so 5 hrs.

Good ski down – could have been softer but didn’t want to wait that long. Guess we could have slept in a bit but the amount of overnight freeze, the sun and temperature rise are the keys to these trips so better to be safe.  Everyone else was on tele gear.  Lower down was creamy in sun but treed slope was icy in shade but could have walked down if wanted.  Ski out was fine with no isothermal collapse.  That last 1.5 km in the trees may be a fine hike trail but it is poorly designed from a ski point of view.  Fun trip with good company.

Pics at Quartz  – full screen slideshow is best as usual – Poor pics from my small weatherproof camera – some condensation issues as well from being in my pocket.

Dave’s Pics



About Bill Kerr

Weekend climber, scrambler and backcountry skier from Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
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