Kiwetinok,Pollinger, McAthur,Isolated and Whaleback – Yoho


Kiwetinok Little Yoho valley  with Dow, Sept, 2011


President – Vice President col 2011

Tore myself away from work for a great two day trip with Dow into the Little Yoho.  Hut was booked so we just took bivy sacks and stayed at campground.

Weather was fantastic – hardly saw a cloud. Great in depth conversations on wide variety of topics.

First day into campground, drop gear and then went up and did Kiwetinok, Pollinger and McArthur.  Should have done some research first as it would have been very easy to bring light rope, harness and crampons and just continue on down glacier to do Isolated and come out over Whaleback all in one day.(Outram Traverse in reverse).

If equiped for glacier travel, also equally easy to do the original traverse direction starting with Whaleback. Isolated, etc and then walk off down the trail from Kiwetinok Lake.  Either way saves regaining altitude.

Kiwetinok was loose and had to be careful – some extra snow patches this year. – easier to the left with some sections of Moderate and difficult.  Downclimb on Pollinger was Moderate/difficult but easy enough given that it was dry.

Alternate descent off Pollinger/McAthur col was scrappy  on the initial cliffbands and loose stuff on hard pan on the avi slope down to valley and not really recommended. The full traverse would prevent having to do this.

Good night at campground other than Dow maiming himself on my cheap old stove.(cut his finger)   We decided to carry our weight and do Isolated and out over Whaleback which was a good idea. Isolated has a section of steep scrappy hard dirt with loose crap on it.  It would be better wet and soft or with snow.  We went up the left gully – short section of moderate on wet holds/crap.  This all was easier to come down but had to be careful.  If had rope this could be bypassed easily on snow on glacier.

Good trails up Whaleback – took low angle option on right all the way to ridge versus switchback trail up to pass.  Had some problems at SE end of ridge as got too far right – missed a left turn- have to stick to ridge crest to find scramble route down the east side.   but eventualy came out on whaleback signed trail for down and out.  Route finding would be easier if doing this on the way up as you would go to the top of the signed trail and then follow cairns and trails.  See marked picture in gallery.

Great trip with good company.

Pics at Yoho Sept 2011

FULL SCREEN SLIDESHOW IS BEST! but loose comments.

Some Beta pics of the President, Isolated col, Bow-Yoho ski traverse, wapta traverse and Scott Duncan Hut and Mount Daly


About Bill Kerr

Weekend climber, scrambler and backcountry skier from Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
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